We are a private non-profit institution of science, technology and innovation

Since 2010, we have been promoting scientific research and sharing knowledge. We operate through ITV Sustainable Development in Belém (P.A.) and ITV Mining, with Ouro Preto and Santa Luzia (M.G.) units. We research technological and scientific solutions for the challenges facing the mining chain and society, seeking better options for the present and the future, promoting technological solutions, stimulating socio-environmental transformations, and collaborating to construct a fairer and more sustainable society.

Mission Statement

Create options for the future through scientific research and technology development to expand Vale’s knowledge and business frontiers in a sustainable manner.


To become a reference, as an institution of excellence, in the development of science and technology in mining and sustainable development.

background verde


  • Life matters most
  • Ethics
  • Excellence in research and management
  • Commitment to results
  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity and Boldness
Homem manipulando um robô que está em cima de uma mesa à frente dele. Ele usa máscara e blusa preta. Atrás dele, há outro homem, também de máscara, mexendo em um computador. Ambos estão em um laboratório.

Photo: Acervo Institucional

Mulher, de cabelos lisos e presos de cor azul, manipulando uma colmeia americana (em partes numa caixa de madeira). Ela usa camisa de mangas compridas de cor verde claro e está em um ambiente externo com vegetação ao fundo.

Photo: Clarté ,2021

Vale Institute of Technology Sustainable Development

Generate knowledge to improve the lives of people and the planet.

We are located in Belém (P.A.), in the middle of the largest Brazilian biome: the Amazon. With our laboratories and a multidisciplinary team of researchers and fellows, we make science a bridge to conserve the forest and improve life quality. Our research groups study physical, biotic, and socioeconomic environments. We believe that, together, we can do more. Thus, we have established partnerships with scientific institutions in Brazil and abroad for training young scientists. ITV DS also offers a professional master’s degree course open to society, contributing to sustainable mining industry and a greener planet.

Vale Institute of Technology Mining

We believe that science, technology, and sustainability go hand in hand.

We are located in Ouro Preto and Santa Luzia (M.G.), and we have research and education as two of our pillars. In our quest for knowledge, we have developed solutions widely used in the mining chain, prioritizing energy efficiency, safety in the mineral chain processes, and the reduction of CO2 emissions.

One example of this is the world’s first large ore carrier equipped with rotating sails. Powered by wind energy, the vessel can transport up to 325,000 tons of iron ore while consuming less fossil fuel and less greenhouse gas emissions.

Our team includes researchers, and we have already worked on more than 50 research and development projects in partnership with universities and companies. Sharing knowledge is another mission we pursue by taking part in professional master’s degree programs and technical training courses. This is how we contribute to the transformation of the company, and society, through knowledge.

Fotografia da fachada do prédio de ITV Mineração, que tem cor alaranjada com detalhes em vinho e possui portas e janelas de vidro.

Photo: Institutional Collection

Our story


Dois homens em um barco num rio. Ambos estão de costas para foto e usam colete e chapéu. Ao fundo, há uma vasta vegetação.

Photo: Clarté, 2021


The year 2010 marks the beginning of our work. We seek to develop technological and scientific solutions to the challenges of the mining chain and environmental sustainability in the regions where Vale operates.


Laboratório de pesquisa com 4 pesquisadores. Três deles estão trabalhando sentados e um, em pé.

Photo: Ricardo Teles, 2017


In 2012, our unit in Belém (P.A.) was officially established. The building houses ITV Sustainable Development, which works to generate knowledge to maintain biological diversity and interactions with society’s economic and social aspects.


Mulher, de cabelos curtos, em uma sala de aula olhando fixamente para frente. Ela usa blusa azul escura e colar. Atrás dela, há vários alunos sentados.

Photo: Institutional Collection


Sharing knowledge with society is one of our missions. Therefore, in 2013, we started the master’s degree program on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Tropical Regions, offered by ITV Sustainable Development.


Uma mão posicionando um objeto embaixo da lente de um microscópio.

Photo: Marcelo Lelis, 2020


In 2014, we acquired a unit in Ouro Preto (M.G.), focused on ITV Mining, which develops research projects in areas such as control and robotics, mining and ore treatment, and extractive metallurgy as well as teaching programs at the graduate level.


Time de estudantes do programa de mestrado Instrumentação, Controle e Automação de Processos de Mineração em pé sorrindo para foto. Na frente deles, há um robô chamado EspeleoRobô.

Photo: ITV


We value education and knowledge as tools for transforming society. In 2015, we began offering a master’s degree program on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation of Mining Processes, through ITV Mining.


Pesquisador, com jaleco branco e luvas azuis, agachado segurando uma plataforma com plantas verdes. À sua frente, há um armário transparente com diversos utensílios e outras plantas.

Photo: Ricardo Teles, 2017


In 2018, we celebrated the investment of R$400 million in research to improve the lives of people and the planet, finding solutions that promote energy efficiency, process safety, and the reduction of the greenhouse effect within the mining chain.


Capa do “Guia de Plantas – Para a recuperação de áreas degradadas nas cangas do quadrilátero ferrífero de Minas Gerais”. Há uma flor grande de cor laranja com folhagem verde.

Photo: Institutional collection


We record the results of our research and release them to society through publications. In 2019, we celebrated the milestone of 500 published editions.


Dois profissionais agachados em meio a grama observam algo no rio à frente deles. Ambos usam colete e chapéu. Atrás deles, há uma ampla vegetação.

Photo: João Marcos Rosa, 2017


In 2020, we celebrated our tenth anniversary, proud of what we have already produced and faithful to our purpose of creating sustainable options for the future through scientific research and innovative technologies.