forma amarela
Homem, de costas para a câmera, sentado em frente a um computador. Ele está em um laboratório e, ao lado dele, há alguns robôs.

Photo: Institutional Collection

For us, science, technology and sustainability go hand in hand

ITV Mining operates in two fronts: educational, which is related to the purpose of contributing to the introjection of knowledge in the company and society, and the research and development in the areas of Tribology, Automation, Control & Robotics, Mining and Extractive Metallurgy & Ore Treatment.

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We develop studies and methodologies suitable for mining processes (open pit and underground). The technical, economic and sustainability approach takes into account the geomechanical behavior of the rocks, ore body contents, ore recovery, and production costs. Another approach we take is the improvement of mining operations through the use of computational techniques.

Foto aérea de uma mina aberta e um maquinário operando

Photo: Institutional Collection


Retrato de Vidal sorrindo. Ele tem cabelos curtos, lisos e grisalhos, usa óculos e veste uma camisa azul clara e um blazer marrom.

Vidal Félix Navarro Torres

Retrato de Juan com expressão séria. Ele tem cabelos curtos e lisos, e barba, ambos de cor preta. Ele veste uma camiseta preta.

Juan Manuel Girao Sotomayor

Retrato de Fabiano com expressão séria. Ele tem cabelos curtos e lisos, e barba, ambos de cor preta. Ele veste uma camiseta preta com duas faixas brancas.

Fabiano Veloso Ferreira

Suelen Silva Rocha

Eduardo da Rosa Aquino

Foto de um dos laboratórios do ITV. Há algumas mesas, robôs e variados utensílios de pesquisa.

Photo: Leo Gomes

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Control and Robotics

The purpose of our activities is to research, apply, and propose concepts and technologies that focus on the automation, optimization, and integration of mining processes from the pit (geology and mining) and mineral processing to logistics. This area typically includes vehicles, equipment, instruments, or robots that operate autonomously, are remotely controlled, in assisted operation, or are automated to a level that meets the requirements of an intelligent, optimized process chain.


Retrato de Rosa sorrindo. Ela tem cabelos lisos, longos e pretos, usa um colar e veste uma blusa preta.

Rosa Elvira Correa Pabón

Retrato de Thomás com expressão séria. Ele tem cabelos curtos e barba por fazer, ambos de cor preta, e usa uma camisa quadriculada azul escura.

Thomás Vargas Barsante e Pinto

Luiz Guilherme Dias de Barros

José Manuel Gonzalez Tubio Perez

André Luiz Maciel Cid

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We research the fundamentals of friction and their applications to solve problems of interest to Vale’s business units, including the reduction of losses due to wear, phenomena related to friction and lubrication, enabling cost reduction and environmental gains.

Superfície arredonda de metal.

Photo: Leo Gomes


Retrato de Philip com expressão séria. Ele tem cabelos curtos, lisos e castanhos, e usa uma camisa quadriculada azul clara.

Philip Von Pritzelwitz

etrato de Jose com expressão séria. Ele tem cabelos curtos pretos e usa uma blusa de frio preta e um cordão de crachá pendurado no pescoço.

Jose Jimmy Penagos

Retrato de Gustavo sorrindo. Ele tem cabelos curtos e barba grande, ambos castanhos claros, e usa uma camisa quadriculada branca e preta.

Gustavo Tressia de Andrade

Mariana Lopes Pinto

Imagem digital que mostra as superfícies e profundezas de algumas rochas.

Photo: Institutional Collection

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Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

We seek processing routes for low-grade and/or complex ores through pyro-hydrometallurgical approach. We also study surface phenomena in the mineral-reagent interaction applied to ore beneficiation and wastewater treatment. Our research evaluates and optimizes processes, develops models and unit operations for ore treatment and handling through bench, pilot, and industrial-scale experiments, based on transport phenomena (mass, heat, and energy) and computational tools.


Retrato de Flávia com expressão séria. Ela tem cabelos curtos e castanhos, e uma grande franja lateral. Ela usa brincos e um blazer branco.

Flávia Paulucci Cianga Silvas

Retrato de Gabriela com expressão séria. Ela tem cabelos lisos, médios e pretos, usa batom alaranjado e uma blusa de gola alta nas cores preta e vinho.

Gabriela Fernandes Moreira

Retrato de Iranildes sorrindo. Ela tem cabelos lisos, longos e pretose usa batom vinho.

Iranildes Daniel dos Santos

Get to know our partners

We believe that together we can do more.

Therefore, we have a network of collaborators and partners who add important skills in building a more sustainable mining and planet. In this network of relationships there are important local partnerships, as well as institutions in several states of the country, government institutions and research institutions abroad.