Homem manipulando um robô que está em cima de uma mesa à frente dele. Ele usa máscara e blusa preta. Ele está em um laboratório.

Photo: Institutional Collection

The search for safer and more sustainable mining is part of our essence

For this reason, one of our priorities is to acquire new knowledge and, based on them, develop solutions used in the mining chain. Our projects stand out for the health, safety and integrity of people, for productivity with energy efficiency and reduction of CO² emissions.

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Mobile robots for industrial and environmental applications

Robô móvel para aplicação industrial e ambiental em um local com diversas superfícies metálicas.

Photo: Institutional Collection

We have developed robotic systems for inspection and performance in industrial and environmental areas. These systems seek to standardize inspection processes and increase their capacity. They are also attached to the robots for sample collection and sensor repositioning. On the other hand, the interchangeable locomotion systems enable the robot to be mobile in different types of terrain.

Mobile Airborne Robots

Imagem de um robô móvel aéreo sobrevoando a um espaço com ampla vegetação.

Photo: Institutional Collection

We have created intelligent systems for inspection and action in areas of interest. Drones with multiple sensors and satellite images are used to recognize items and guide maintenance teams. On the other hand, Tweezers and scatterers are developed to enhance the work of drones in tasks aimed at industrial and environmental improvements.

Miniaturized Smart Sensors

Imagem gráfica com o título “Sensor para Diagnóstico de Correias Transportadoras”. Ela mostra a representação da vista aérea e lateral da posição dos sensores na correia.

Photo: Institutional Collection

We have developed miniature sensors to collect real-time data from machines and equipment. Artificial intelligence algorithms process this information to generate prognostics concerning equipment conditions. Furthermore, advanced signal processing systems, coupled with machine learning techniques, are built to gain insight into equipment performance.

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