
It is with great regret that we announce that the scientist, Luiz Carlos Silveira, passed away yesterday, July 10th. Luiz Carlos was the first Scientific Director at our unit in Belem, ITV Sustainable Development, helping to consolidate our Institute.

According to ITV CEO, Luiz Mello, “Luiz Carlos, along with other colleagues built the foundations of the Vale Institute of Technology (ITV). In his idealistic view, ITV has the mission to build itself, similarly to UFPA and Goeldi Museum, as another legacy to future generations. It was a privilege to be able to share moments with Luiz Carlos, work with him and share his vision of the future. To honor the memory of those who are gone, in this case, we have the task to continue building dreams that together were dreamed of”.

We wish comfort to his family and friends.

Vale Institute of Technology (ITV) Team