The book “Landscapes and Plants of Carajás,” which covers the evolution of Serra dos Carajás and its plants, with emphasis on the Canga from the National Forest of Carajás has just been released at the headquarters of the Vale Institute of Technology (ITV) in Belém. The intention of the research is to construct a rich and systematized study on this important Amazonian biome, aiming at diminishing the environmental impacts and preserving the local fauna and flora.
The book was organized by the botanical researcher Daniela Zappi together with the researchers Pedro Walfir Martins Sousa, Clovis Maurity, Ana Maria Giulietti, Vera Fonseca, Guilherme Oliveira, Rodolfo Jaffe, from ITV, and Pedro Viana and Nara Mota, who are part of the Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará.
Before arriving in Belém, the book was released in many locations. On November 29th, the edition was presented to participants of the XI Eugen Warming Lectures in Evolutionary Ecology, held at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and for Vale’s Environment and Environmental Licensing team at the Águas Claras Mine, in Nova Lima (MG). Later, on December 14, the book was presented in the auditorium of the Carajás Zoo and Botanical Park, in the Serra dos Carajás, Parauapebas.
According to Rodrigo Dutra Amaral, Executive Manager of the Environmental Licensing of Ferrous Metals, “this publication is an important contribution from Vale to society. The book can be used in schools, libraries by the general public, materializing some more of our initiatives for sustainable mining”.
Although the edition brings the rigor of scientific research, the subject is addressed more lightly, as explained by researcher Vera Fonseca, coordinator of the area of Biodiversity and ITV Services: “In all chapters, we bridge the knowledge of the academy and general interest on the subject, but undoubtedly, the illustrations and photographs help to bring this knowledge of the general public closer”, the researcher says.