forma amarela
Dois homens agachados manipulando um robô azul em um dos laboratórios do ITV. Um deles usa chapéu e óculos e ambos usam máscara facial.

Photo: Institutional Collection

Foto área de uma mina a céu aberto

Photo: Institutional Collectionl

Open Pit Mining Specialization

This specialization is aimed at professionals from the different Vale mines who carry out activities related to open pit mining, giving them the aptitude and ability to find the best solutions in the mining of mineral resources operated by the company. Therefore, they will apply advanced technological knowledge that leads to obtaining ore with high productivity, competitive costs, and a safe process, with environmental protection and social responsibility. The professional specialist in Open Pit Mining will have a Lato Sensu post-graduate level education in methodologies and processes for safe mining with high productivity and reduced production costs, compatible with environmental protection and social responsibility.

Course Duration: 24 months and 420-hour workload. 

Ouro Preto and Belo Horizonte – M.G.

Graduated professionals who perform activities related to Open Pit Mining at Vale.

Specialization in Mineral Processing

The Specialization in Mineral Processing aims to contribute to the training of professionals who work in this area. The theoretical and scientific knowledge will enable them to understand the phenomena that affect the production process and the handling of ores and tailings, besides preparing them to identify opportunities for improvement of processes. Thus, they will be ready to face challenges such as increased processing of complex ores and process changes.

Course Duration: 24 months and 400-hour workload. 

Mining, metallurgical and chemical engineers working in mineral process development and capital project areas at Vale

Ouro Preto – M.G.

Foto de um minério acinzentado

Photo: Geoscan

Photo: Marcelo Coelho

International Expertise in Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

This specialization is aimed at Vale’s experienced geotechnical professionals, graduates, masters or doctors, as well as outsiders to apply the acquired knowledge in their Geotechnical operational activities, with high international quality standards; The specific objectives are to characterize soils and rocks in the laboratory and in situ by means of high-quality techniques and procedures; to analyze the static and dynamic causes of the rupture of dams, piles and mine shafts with the application of state-of-the-art technology; to evaluate safety and economy, using probabilistic numerical methods and 3D methodologies; and apply advanced geotechnical monitoring systems that enable managing waste structures (dams, stockpiles) and mine pits to high safety standards. Also on the list of expertise is to practice integrated, real-time geotechnical monitoring based on connectivity and innovative systems.

Course Duration: 24 months and 440-hour workload. 

Geotechnicians with extensive experience, masters, and doctors in the field of Geotechnics.

Ouro Preto and Belo Horizonte – M.G.

Specialization in Wear, Friction, and Lubrication

This specialization is aimed at professionals with basic knowledge of friction, wear and lubrication. The course proposes a critical analysis of the technical bibliography available in the Tribology area and case studies applied to the mining industry. In this way, it provides subsidies for solving problems involving wear, friction and lubrication, so that professionals are able to analyze tribological systems as a whole, understanding the phenomena involved as a function of operating conditions and their influence on friction and wear of components.

Course Duration: 24 months and 400-hour workload. 

Graduates in Engineering and Exact and Earth Sciences and professionals who do not have a degree in the aforementioned areas but work directly in equipment maintenance activities and reducing wear and friction at Vale.

Ouro Preto – M.G.

Photo: Institutional Collection

Foto de um robô em cima de uma mesa. Atrás, há uma lousa branca com vários escritos.

Photo: Institutional Collection

Expertise in Automation for Mining Processes

After taking this course, the professional specialist in process automation for the mining chain will have a Lato Sensu postgraduate level education. The specialization provides the critical capacity to make important decisions for industry application in mining process automation. The course will deepen knowledge regarding automation, seeking a comprehensive approach and applications in mining processes. Thus, the professional will have a strong foundation in automation and its subtopics, such as control, instrumentation, and robotics, and a comprehensive view of mining processes.

Course Duration: 22 months and 420-hour workload. 

P.C.M. (Maintenance Planning and Control) and P.C.P. (Production Planning and Control) engineers, analysts, and managers, as well as supervisors with degrees in the areas above who work in Vale’s operations.

Ouro Preto – M.G.

Specialization in Intelligent Systems: Emphasis on Data Science

Professionals specializing in this area will have Lato Sensu graduate-level training, with critical capacity for important industry application decisions in data science knowledge for mining processes. The course provides a strong foundation in intelligent systems focusing on data science and its subtopics, such as data acquisition, transformation, modeling, advanced analytics, and visualization. Furthermore, they will have a comprehensive view of the methodologies, techniques, and tools for transforming data into information that adds value to the mining industry’s processes.

Course Duration: 24 months and 385-hour workload. 

Graduates in Engineering and Exact and Earth Sciences. P.C.M. (Maintenance Planning and Control) and P.C.P. (Production Planning and Control) analysts and supervisors with degrees in the areas above at Vale are also targeted.

Ouro Preto – M.G.

Mulher com óculos de realidade virtual gesticulando com as mãos. Na frente dela, há quatro televisores ligados com conteúdos diferentes

Photo: Crisley Pacheco

Robô móvel em uma cavidade.

Photo: Institutional Collection

Master’s Degree in Instrumentation, Control, and Automation of Mining Processes

The Professional Graduate Program in Instrumentation, Control, and Automation of Mining Processes (PROFICAM), jointly coordinated under an agreement between the Federal University of Ouro Preto and the Vale Institute of Technology – UFOP/ITV, aims to meet the demands of companies in the mining sector and foster synergy between research, technological development, innovation, production, and industry. PROFICAM is an on-site course of a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature that leads the student to the title of Master in Control and Automation Engineering and aims at innovative training in terms of scientific and technological approaches on the research lines adopted. Such training provides the student with a broad view of the subject, enabling him to know and develop research and modeling techniques for automation systems; to model and conduct experimental research on processes, instrumentation, control, and automation systems; to learn the methodologies for simulating mineral processing systems, and to implement and automate mining processes.

Course Duration: 24 months and 360-hour workload. 

Professionals interested in acquiring an interdisciplinary vision of instrumentation, control, and automation of mining processes.

Ouro Preto – M.G.

Research Residency

The main purpose of the Research Residency at ITV’s units in Ouro Preto (M.G.) or Santa Luzia (M.G.) is to develop solutions in research topics of interest to Vale and foster new research opportunities of potential interest. Furthermore, it seeks to enable Vale employees to obtain knowledge and methodologies, bringing them closer to ITV’s research environment.

Residency duration: from 6 to 12 months. 

Professionals with post-doctorate and other levels of education

Ouro Preto – M.G.

Mulher com cabelos longos presos, jaleco e máscara de cor azul operando um maquinário em um laboratório.

Photo: Institutional Collection